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Version History

Current Version is 3.54

UPDATE to current version


*  QLOC: revised procedure to reduce socket errors and occasional freeze.
*  QLOC: Improved handling of certain non-English characters.
*  QLOC Imports MARC <520> tag.


*  QLOC: revised the server connection to match changes implemented by LOC.
*  Corrected Custom Reports "Save to File" selection list.
*  Expanded ISBN entry field to accept dashs (-) for ISBN-13. Only non-dash characters are saved, however.


*  Implemented Windows 10 revisions.
*  Revised several MARC tag updates for improved qLOC and Import accuracy.
*  Added Inventory settings to better handle eBooks and other downloadable materilas. "Section" Inventories can now be implemented.


*  Added URL field. URL link provides access to eBook checkout and online documents.
*  Custom Reports feature added. Permits user to design unique listings for print, display or export.
*  Export Custom Reports as TEXT, CSV (Excel), TAB-delimited or XML file formats.
*  "Snapshot" Shelf lists reconcile checkouts and on-order items to provide an accurate AS-IS shelf listing.
* Recall existing "family" information when adding a new patron so as to reduce the entry time.
*  Check-out status added to Alter Item and Delete screens.

*  Automatically checks for recent program Updates and provides for convenient, secure online installation. (Requires Internet connection. )
*  UPDATE CD includes the v3.51 Install for Win7/vista and for XP/2000 to simplify the "moving to a new computer" process.
*  Message informs the user if bar codes are less than the required 7-digits. (PC Card Catlaog prefers 7 or more digits.)
*  The Reservation selection screen is larger and includes additional information to assure selection of the correct item.
*  Bar code label printing now permits the selection of either 9- or 12-digit labels. The shorter option wirks better with lower resolution printers and shorter label stock.
*  Item Usage report uses and improved column formatting and includes Accession Date.
*  Listings onscreen are more stable and no longer require "refresh" when switching between screens.
*  Revised "Series" and "Series Title" labels to reflect the terms commonly used.
*  The "Print Status" receipt listing now includes transaction date and adds Media Types to the listed titles.
*  "Remembers" last used file location for common file transfers such as Backups, MARC imports, saving Reports.
*  Resolved errors generated in rare circumstances while sending e-mail notices.
*  Established consistent configuration file locations to simplfy software changes and Support.
*  Resolved the Backup/ Import/ Export counter appearing to "freeze" while actually continuing the process.

CONCEPT I (v1.1x)
*  Listings onscreen permit 'double-clicking' a title to open the "Alter Item" screen for editing.
*  Item Usage reports can be limited to ranges of Usage, ie. < or > a defined number of check outs.
*  Items Out. Overdue, and Fines can be printed in Patron order, in Shelf order or in Date Due Order.

Version History

Version 3.40 and 3.41 - [BASIC] Runs with more restrictive PERMISSION settings allowing improved security. One-click ISBN cataloging provides 'instant' data entry by accessing the Library of Congress online catalog. (Requires Internet access and a current Support subscription.) 90 days of free Support included at no extra cost. Improved MARC imports include more 'depth' in Subject headings. Support Subscription screen added to provide service information and renewal features. An UPDATE CD is provided that includes the v3.4x Install for Vista/Win7 and for XP/2000 to simplify the "moving to a new computer" process. Automatically adjusts the screen size to fit the actual monitor resolution. Can be manually overridden and set as a Preference. Expanded ISBN display block to show all 13 characters. Implemented "XP Themes" to provide more attractive and interactive screens. Rounded and highlighted buttons provide visual feedback. Text exports are TAB-delimited to resolve occasional ambiguities with imports. Imports can accept either TAB- or comma-delimited (also inter-mixed) text files. Improved Vista/Win7 configuration reliability. RECOVER and ReInstate implement the TAB- and comma-delimited capabilities of PC Card Catalog. A message added to warn of 'too short' bar code labels. (Bar code numbers should be 7 digits or more.) Shading alternate report lines improves readability onscreen and on printed lists. [CIRCULATION] Items presented for check out that are already checked out (a "problem" situation) can display the current patron. Reserves show in the check screen's Items Out list (shows the ® character) can display the Reserving patron with right-click menu selection. Resolved the inability to delete a Reserve in rare cases. Number of rechecks for an Item by a single patron is displayed. Added two bar code label printing options. Print e-mail notices LOG upon completion of an e-mail session. [PUBLIC ACCESS] Upgraded database version to provide improved security settings on networked installations. Data Directory can point to a READ-only folder. Improved Catalog List formatting for better readability. Mouse scroll-wheel scrolls both the Catalog List and Item Detail screens.Added two skins (Elegant & WLM.)

Version 3.30 - [BASIC] Upgraded database version to provide improved security settings on networked installations. (Database change creates incompatibility with ancillary software. Each program requires updating.) Catalog screens have improved readability with a modified format. Mouse scroll wheel scrolls through Catalog and Detail screens. Printing Catalog Cards includes Added Entry and Bound-with cards. Revised HELP file format to work with Vista. Title-Check feature improved operation. Inventory makes an audible beep when Item is not found improving efficiency. Catalog Cards include Series Title & Bound-with text. Print the LABELS "to be printed" list. (Great for matching spine-only labels to items.) Several MARC import tag additions, notably adding Secondary Title <245b>. Spine and Pocket Labels print in Accession Number Order. Uses a common Keyword IGNORE list on multiple workstations. Revised single-line Shelf-List to contain more useful information. Remembers Catalog Search text so that PASTING from the Clipboard will re-insert the text into the Search box. Added Data Directory Enable button. Allows the Data Directory to be changed without the need of a special configuration file. Improved Shelf Card price formatting. DEMO and Authorized program are installed in different directories. Uninstall the DEMO without potential damage to the Authorized data. An install option can copy the DEMO data into the Authorized data folder if desired. [CIRCULATION] Added e-mail NOTICE capaibility. Print bar code labels (12-digit, 'code 39' with Library Name). Improved FINES formatting to allow for non-US currencies. Print Status button can be set to print only the Patron Number without Name & Address. Improved BackUp precision to retain Comments, PIN. [PUBLIC ACCESS] Upgraded database version to provide improved security settings on networked installations. Data Directory can point to a READ-only folder. Improved Catalog List formatting for better readability. Mouse scroll-wheel scrolls both the Catalog List and Item Detail screens. Added two skins (Elegant & WLM.)

Version 3.20 - [BASIC] Donation Date defaults to Accession Date, assigned Donation Type is remembered. Toolbar added. Total Value added to file and printed Donation reports. Setting for LOC cataloging default added to Preferences screen. Reservation flag displays when a reserved item is checked to a patron that is not first on the reservation list. New Shelf list in Spine Label order. Supports ISBN13. Preferences screen expanded to include new option settings. New 'Pocket' label format added. Browse Catalog now handles "&". Catalog Cards print Remarks only if set to display in Catalog. Two Spine Label fields use user-defined names. Spine Label format is user-configurable. 'Title Check' option when entering new items. [CIRCULATION] Resolved error issues: Circulation Imports, Items Out/Fines selection, Font settings in Label printing, imports of multiple MARC records, Added Entry, Circulation Stats report. Patrons can be assigned a PIN. (Useful for future program features.)

Version 3.14 - [BASIC] Added INVENTORY feature (using optional bar codes) to BASIC module. Remembers "highest used" Accession Numbers instead of "last used" numbers. A "Previously Saved Item Recall" button added to the New Entry screen. Added 'successful completion' indicators to Item Alter and Delete activities. Added more fields to Listing "filter" choices. Display a list of unused Accession numbers. Resolved issues with importing large MARC records, skipped catalog cards, a few Listing anomalies and a Label formatting issue. Additional MARC import modifications to match recent changes in LOC web catalog. [CIRCULATION] Circulation STATS report now tracks number of active users. Item usage appears on Entry screen. A modified "Circulation date" remains set between printed reports and notices. Resolved a duplicate bar code issue.

Download latest free update (v3.14)

Version 3.13 - [BASIC] Listings now display with a larger font and screen for better readablity. Listings now provide a Standard, a Single-Line or a Citation format. Holdings Reports now display Media categories with catgeory subtotals. Entry screen has a "Catalog Card" preview image. Added some "Are your sure?" questions to minimize "one-click" mistakes. Revised Title lookup for better 'number' recognition. Minor revision to the Catalog Card format. Corrected Shelf List ordering. [CIRCULATION] Corrections to Check Screen new patron entry (bar code; "Comments") and Patron Labels printing. "Blank Patron" is no longer accepted.

Version 3.12 - [BASIC] Print Spine-only labels. Preview and edit "items to be printed" list. Reformatted Item Entry screen making label creation more intuitive. Added Publisher Authority drop-down. Listing filter now includes Media Designator field. Added messages to Series Title deletions, "to be printed" list. Corrections: export/ import/ merge; Preferences; Series Titles and list; Alter Accession Numbers; Bar Code listing; long passwords; temporary printer font settings; keywords from Alternate Titles/Subjects. [CIRCULATION] Added a "Renewal" message. Class/Family listings use alphabetic order. Item Usage info appears on Item Entry>>Alter screen. Larger report image on Reports screen. Corrections: Rechecks now included in Stats.

Version 3.11 - [BASIC] Maintain deleted items in a separate file for ReInstate (new Add-On); Resolved errors in Backup; expanded Repair capabilities; Label Line can be selected to print at the top of the spine labels; refined spine label auto-formatting; corrected handling of certain currency field formats; added Series Title type-ahead and AACR2 listing during Catalog Entry. Resolved minor Import/Export issues; Media Designator now prints on pocket labels (selectable). [CIRCULATION] Corrections to Item Usage report date calculation.

Version 3.10 - [BASIC] Revised the Preferences screen for convenient "tabbing"; added Media Designators and Keyword Ignore list editing. Added Remote Entry/Merge Feature. Modified Catalog to display Media Designator info. Blank titles can no longer be added. Improved the Repair feature. Author Listing ignores items without Authors. Added a Series Title listing. Corrections to Bookplate printing. [CIRCULATION] Added the Item Usage Report. Reserves handle matching-title media items. Listing drop-down menu now crosses to the Circulation Reports screen. [NETWORK] Created the limited network version.

Version 3.05 - [PCCC] Corrections to ASCII import of Series Titles, Ignore List operation, Bookplate printing. Added version info to Title Bar; NEW Holdings Report; On Order displays in Catalog; minor Catalog Card format change. [Circulation] Corrections to Patron Label skip feature; Class/Family Overdue list.

Version 3.04 - [PCCC] Corrections to ASCII import/export and Backup procedures. Resolved some PCCCpro and CASSY import issues. [Circulation] No modifications.

Version 3.03 - [PCCC] Accession Number Listing prints a list count; corrections to the "filter" function. Import/Export field set corrected. Improved Catalog Card formatting. A progress bar is displayed when printing filtered Listings. Added a file repair utility. [Circulation] Corrections to Recheck rate assignment. Bar code ranges in Reports no longer require exact digit count. Patron Label printing can be limited to patrons with overdues and fines. Corrections to Class/Family Reports resolve order problem.

Version 3.02 - [PCCC] Corrections to the Listing "filter" and Series subtitle linking. Catalog Detail screen Series subtitle display enhanced. "Type-ahead" added to Series Title and subtitle entry. [Circulation] Added formatting feature to "Print Status" button, other enhancements. Corrections to Reserve listing.

Version 3.01 - [PCCC] Minor repair to Backup. Revisions to HELP and to License. [Circulation] Corrections to Inventory and Reports. Improved handling non-US dates.

Version 3.00 - Major Upgrade see What's NEW in Version 3

Version 2.75 - [PCCC] Recall an existing item's data during New Item entry. Improved MARC import. Window sizing refined. "Splash" updates Library of Congress MARC import instructions. [Circulation] Fines of $0.00 no longer create a record.

Version 2.74 - [PCCC] Cosmetic tweaks. Correction in the KEYWORD catalog search. [Circulation] Corrected an "invalid data" error.

Version 2.73 - [PCCC] Added the FAQ "splash" at startup. [Circulation] Resolves certain check out data errors created by an earlier version.

Version 2.72 - [Circulation] Minor repair to Check In/Out to correct missing Patron information in rare cases.

Version 2.70 - [PCCC] New Mediagraphy (multiple subject) listing; Listings can create editable text files. Import multiple MARC files (more convenient for obtaining LOC records); Repairs to label printing, catalog detail; Set command line parameter to manage more than one library. [Circulation] minor repairs.

Version 2.62 - [PCCC] Author and Subject Authorities now have "type search" lookup feature; Refine the item delete activity; [Circulation] ASCII export for patron, fine and items checked out data; minor repairs.

Version 2.61 - [PCCC] Corrects a Spine/Pocket label printing problem.

Version 2.60 - [PCCC] Adds optional user password to isolate Catalogs from data altering features; add fourth line to the printed spine labels; [Circulation] Stats report for printing or on-screen display; display counters during check out/in; "Check In Now" button added; minor repairs.

Version 2.51 - [PCCC] Integrated Circulation module; Recall items in Item Entry - Alter; Catalog searches can use keyboard; [Circulation] powerful Inventory feature; Check In/Out counters; Recheck feature; buttons automatically enable/disable to reduce ambiguity.

Version 2.05 - Catalog now shows the item's detail when clicking on item, Lists to the printer working & improved.

Version 2.04 - Resolves problems: Catalog Cards now print properly, Clearing cards/labels list actually clears list now, Spine/Pocket labels won't overwrite Author and Accession Number fields.

Version 2.03 - In New Items: added auto-increment for Alpha-numeric Accession Numbers; Now saves "next" Accession Number for Alpha-numeric Accession Numbers: Alter Items: added a Recall Item button for quick access to another item; Corrected Catalog string look up error

Version 2.02 - Corrected catalog card printing, printer specification imporvements, "loading authority" bar and Circulation interface improvements.

Version 2.01- Corrected CASSY and PCCC imports, improved MARC import accuracy, Catalog button repaired.

Version 2.0 is a complete upgrade from version 1.xx. Instructions for the conversion are included in the DEMO's README.TXT file.

Version 1.10d - Add ASCII export of data files.

Version 1.10b - Corrects PCCCpro import. Add Label/Cards printer setup and alignment.

Version 1.10a - Includes an update to the database engine. This will resolve the "Invalid file name" problem on some systems.

Version 1.00c - Added CASSY Import, Corrections to Subject Keywords.

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