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Moving PC Card Catalog to another computer

The new computer is running Windows 10, 11 :

On the OLD computer

Before disposing of your OLD computer, obtain the very latest set of your Data. Also, determine what you will use to copy your data to the new computer. A flash drive can be handy for this, or computers sharing a network can copy the data.

  1. Run PC Card Catalog's BACKUP routine. (Utilities >> Backup Data)
  2. Make a copy of your Data Directory and all the the files in it. Your Data Directory path can be determined by going to Utilities >> Preferences >> Data Directory (upper-left) and noting the exact text in the Data Directory field. This is the folder you need to copy onto your flash drive.
  3. Do not proceed until you have made the Directory copy or the Backup. (Or do both. This is your DATA. You can't be too protective!)

On the NEW computer

  1. NEW computer: DO NOT USE any install CD's. (If you have already installed the application from your CD, UNINSTALL it before proceeding.)

    Contact Library Concepts to obtain the link for your new INSTALL file. We will email you the link along with details on how to download and install your application. The email will include instructions for transferring your data.

    NOTE: We cannot provide the link unless your SUPPORT is CURRENT. RENEW YOUR SUPPORT now if it has expired.

  2. Start your new installation of PC Card Catalog. Uncheck the "Continue to use Sample Data. Then check the FAQs display. Once you arrive at the main screen, Open the Title browse. It should be empty, and that is good.

  3. Now we must get your data back in place. Use one of the following 3 options:
    1. If your data are located on a networked computer, go to Utilities >> Preferences >> [Set/Reset Data Directory]. Browse to the computer and folder that contains the data. Select that folder so that the path is shown in the Data Directory field. [Save Changes]
    2. OR
    3. If have a COPY of the old computer's Data Directory on your flash drive (or other medium), then COPY all the files from that folder to your new computer's Data Directory. The default folder location on the new computer is:
      C:\Users\Public\Library Concepts\PCCC3\Data\
      COPY all the files form the flash drive new computer's Data Directory.
    4. OR
    5. If you have made a Backup for the purpose of transferring the data, then we will ue the RECOVER app. Click on the Windows Start button. From the Program list on the left, scroll down to the Library Concepts folder and click it. This will display several apps one of which is RECOVER. Click on RECOVER to start the app. In RECOVER:
      1. Click on the [Create ...] button and answer YES to the "Destroy data" question.
      2. Click on the now-active [Recover Data...] button. This will open a dialog that you will use to point to the Backup files (usually on a flash drive). Once you have found the backup files (PCCCitem.BAK or similar), press [OK] or [Open]. The recoverd records counters will start counting and continue through the files.
      3. When complete, click on the third button [Re-attach ...] to complete the RECOVER process.

  4. Restart PC Card Catalog and click on the [Title Browse] button to confirm your data have been succesfully transfered.

Windows XP and Windows 7 are no longer supported by Microsoft. We suggest that you move to a newer version such as Windows 11.

While we still support our Windows XP and 7 clients, we cannot provide sofware updates or new installs for XP or 7. The install software we must use is incompatible.

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