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This page describes LEGACY software. Please see additional information regrading its ongoing usefulness in your library.
Configuring a PC Card Catalog System

What, exactly, do I need for my library?
The following questions should help you decide:

1. Will our library use the computer to Check IN and OUT?
    YES: You will need PC Card Catalog CIRCULATION (a complete software system for one computer US$649.95 )
     NO: You will need PC Card Catalog BASIC. (US$439.95)

2. Will our library want to check IN/OUT and process items on
     more than one networked computer?
     YES: You will need the Limited Network version. (US$1,259.95)
     NO: You will need the Single-User version.
          (CIRCULATION: US$649.95  or  BASIC: US$439.95)

3. Will our library use one or more separate (networked)
     computers for patrons to search the Catalog?
     YES: One computer: You will need PUBLIC ACCESS - Single-User (US$199.95)
        Two or more computers: You will need PUBLIC ACCESS - Unlimited Network
        version (US$499.95). These computers can be located in the library or at any
location on the network, such as in classrooms or offices.
      NO: You can add PUBLIC ACCESS later as your library grows.

              NOTE: PUBLIC ACCESS works either with Single-User
                           or Limited Network versions of PC Card Catalog.

4. Will our library want to manage item input to the collection
     offsite with several staff or volunteers assisting?

    YES: You will definitely want the HomeWork (US$199.95) utility.
            (Only one HomeWork license per library is required, not one per computer.)

5. Will our library want to obtain some of its data from the
     US Library of Congress web catalog?

    YES: This feature (qLOC: one-click cataloging) is built into CIRCULATION, BASIC and HomeWork.

6. Will our library want to have its Catalog on the WEB?
     YES: You will want OurLibraryOnline, our very inexpensive web service. (Library Concepts will host the actual server starting at $69.95/yr).
     NO: You can add OurLibraryOnline later.

7. Will our library staff require phone support and updates?
     YES: Purchasers of NEW or UPGRADED systems will automatically receive a
          90-day Support
          Subscription at no additional cost. The annual Support Subscription should
          be purchased. Costs vary depending on licenses and Utilities.
             (US$89.95/yr to $129.95/yr for PC Card Catalog)
     NO: While you may not expect to use the Support Service, it is still advisable.
          to maintain your Subscription. This assures you of current UPDATES and
          the secure knowledge that help is a phone call away.
          The one-click cataloging feature (qLOC) requires a current
          Support Subscription.

8. Will our library use barcodes and a scanner?
     YES: You may want to consider the Honeywell 1300g hand-held scanner
            sold by OTHERS. A quick Google search should provide
            pricing and many souces.
            The CIRCULATION module includes a Barcode label printing feature
            or pre-printed Barcode labels can be
             purchased from any library supply store.
     NO: Consider adding barcodes and a scanner later. It can immensely
            improve the efficiency of your library.

9. Does our library have some unique considerations that
     these questions and answers did not to cover?

     YES: Contact us with your specific needs.
     NO: You are now ready to ORDER.

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