anytime, anywhere, any device
(PC, Mac, tablet, smartphone; Windows, iOS, Android, linux)
inherently multi-user; no extra licensing needed
automatic daily backups; transparent software updates
all the features of CONCEPT I and PC Card Catalog with same easy-to-learn, intuitive operation
public catalog (OPAC) includes patron account access and hold features; catalogs include the OurLibraryOnline-style word search AND the "best-guess, never-miss" browse-style catalogs from PC Card Catalog and CONCEPT I

Browse Catalog and Detail screens
popular series title linking feature is easier than ever
catalogs display book
cover images (optional add-on, free for first 60-days)
preview labels and reports before printing
OverDrive®-compatible patron authentication for ebook checkout
CONCEPT III $499.95 [first-year hosting] + $90 [one-time setup]
$589.95 TOTAL
CONCEPT III* $ 499.95 TOTAL [first-year hosting; setup included] * for PC Card Catalog and CONCEPT I libraries with current Support
CONCEPT III Annual Renewal $529.95/yr
(2nd year and following)
Book Cover Image Service $170/yr
Pricing for non-pubilc libraries.
Contact us for further information.
Prices are in US
dollars. Sales Tax
may be added. Prices subject to change
without notice.
Download the CONCEPT III brochure pdf.

Check and Alter screens
CONCEPT III is a complete web- or cloud-based Integrated Library System (ILS). Use any computer or device that has a browser and an Internet connection. That's pretty much everything we use nowadays including smartphones and iPads.
CONCEPT III includes the Public Catalog (OPAC) that anyone can access. Not only can your patrons access the catalog anytime, anywhere, BUT they can create HOLDs, list what they have checked out (and overdue!), even review their checkout history.
CONCEPT III has staff-only access. With your own passwords, you and your staff can safely login to do your library work:
- Process incoming materials (quick cataloging with the instant ISBN LOC searches [qLOC]) at the library, or anywhere, for that matter.
- print labels, bar codes, donation bookplates; preview before printing
- manage your check-in and check out with or without a scanner. Everything 'circulation' (fines, overdues, holds, add patrons) is handled conveniently on one screen.
- print reports; extensive array of choices or create your own custom reports
- inventory your collection with any number of helpers using their laptops, phones, and tablets, all at the same time! DOMINATE your Inventory with CONCEPT III!
CONCEPT III lets you set your own color scheme; assign a background image; 'attract-mode' rotating book cover images on the OPAC
CONCEPT III replaces the our console-based programs:
- Public Access and CONCEPT I OPAC
- HomeWork
- ReInstate
- OurLibraryOnline Web Catalog Service